Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Analysis of '...And He Gets The Girl'

from Song Meanings.

One persons opinion:

"Lupe..a nerd in high school, likes a girl. shes in the popular crowd..goes up to her one day and "just get up and say hi"

and he tells her about himself...he then compares their interest in music..."oh you like linkin park, thats the hat from the tour" so they both have the interest in music...

then after he says allll of that...he feels stupid..."then i walk away" and he regrets doin it...but then the girl comes back and is like JO! youse a cutey! and she tells him about herself...and happily ever after...this is the only litteraly lryical song lupe has hahhaa...everything else is all metaphors that i neverrrrr get till i have to read about."

Another persons opinion:

"Actually k. west I think that this song is actually a metaphor and is not straightforward as it seems. I think that the "girl" in this case is hip-hop.

I think the first part is about how he approached hip-hop (the girl) and was initially attracted to it but "wasn't well suited for it" becuase he was kind of a nerd and wasn't into the vulgarity that came along with hip hop.

"And then I walked away, thinkin she would never talk to me"- After initially being turned off by hip-hop he quit rapping, thinking it wasn't for him.

"Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. She said I know your not the coolest but I swear you are the cutest"-"The hand"- Rappers like Nas and Too $short inspired him to return to hip hop because they showed him that you dont have to be "cool" and rap about women,gangs, money etc. and that you can be yourself.

"Man that's really funny how we like the same music"- Here Lupe talks about although he and the girl (hip-hop) were very different, they both shared common music interests.

They both like jazz (Thelonis Monk was a jazz pianist). Hip hop originated from jazz.

They both like Linkin Park (Meteora and Hybrid Theory were Linkin Park albums). Jay-Z released a mash-up album with Linkin Park in 2004.

"I hate first person shooters (me too)"- He doesn't like the violence in hip-hop.

"Half of tha cheerleading squad is in the stouper
Tha only reason I do it cause of my mother took state when she was a junior"- Here Lupe is talking more or less on how hip-hop is dead (in a stupor) because rapppers are just doing what others before them did because they think thats how hip-hop should be.

"And she want me to du tha same so I'm like naw
I wanna be an oncologist and diagnose tumors"- Lupe wants to do is own thing and make a positive impact on the world.

Anyways, just my two cents. Maybe I'm overthinking it and its just a straight forward narrative, but I really think that the girl represents hip-hop."

I don't know why I never made that connection. This is the first and ONLY time you can say I'm slow and I won't beat your ass for it.

Okay, well I thought of it once I think. Just not to that degree.

Lupe Fiasco is a genius. It's been said before, yes. But I said it again.

Now what are you gonna do?

Go to Song Meanings for the rest of this.


@SeanTheRobot said...

I'm not really into digging so deep into lyrics and analyzing everything.

But it's interesting to see what some people think of it.

K. Denise said...

yeah. I had to do that for Dumb It Down though...its clear that if anyone doesnt like Lupe its because they dont understand him.