Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More MTV commercials...

So I saw at least 3 Lupe related clips/commercials today. 2 of them looked like they were from the tour. I couldn't really tell becaused I was supposed to be working, lol.

Are they finally catching on? I wonder what sparked that...


S-Preme said...

MTV always does like a artist spotlight...however....did u see the thing that I'm assuming was the go baby video? Lupe in a suit and tie on stage...and also the cool, the game and the streets were there???!?! Crazy g...on a 40's vibe

K. Denise said...

yeah I didnt know about him being the spotlight artist until late..I mean that would make sense lol. I dont watch MTV as much as I probably should now but I DID catch that one...